Are we animals? Or are we just horror fans boys looking for a good cheap thrill? It takes a truly talented director to push it to the edge without ever going over that razor sharp lip of depravity. And when you add the idea of sex to a gruesome killing spree, it's goes against everything we know as human beings. Some are so gruesome, we can't even look.
Sure, there are some Horror movie moments that should never be mentioned again. So what does this say about us? Are we voyeurs because we want to watch these moments? What are we if we actually, gulp.Enjoy them? Aren't the best nude horror movie kills made to be celebrated? We laud the films at the Academy Awards yet watch horror movie kills in secret.

The point is that when these things happen they can be their own brand of cinematic gold. Hell, a nude horror movie kill can even be done artfully. The moment can be played for comedic effect.

The nude horror movie kill can be filled with surprise. And the best of the horror film ilk combine horror and sex in the most unique of ways. When these two emotions are combined, it can make for a most exciting experience to say the least. What person hasn't watched a horror movie and felt both fear and exhilaration? The popularity of horror films lies in their abilty to tantalize and shock.

Like your favorite cereal and milk (or Almond milk depending on your taste). They go together like ice cream and chocolate syrup.